Prime Source GREEN Floor Scrubbing Pads, -17 in -19 in -20 in

Prime Source Green Scrubbing Pads are for sale individually with a quantity price break when you buy 5 or more green scrub pads of the same size. Green Prime Source machine pads are available at 1877FloorGuy in 17", 19" and 20" diameters. For use on most swing-arm and rotary autoscrub floor cleaning machines up to 350 rpm.
Ideal for heavy-duty wet floor scrubbing or for removing layers of old floor polish. The green scrubbing/stripping pad is intended for use in cleaning the dirtiest floors. Use on VCT, ceramic tile and other floors as specified by the flooring manufacturer. Green scrub pads are too aggressive for linoleum, luxury vinyl tile and several other flooring types so reference maintenance instructions for your floor to see if this pad is appropriate for use.
Ideal for heavy-duty wet floor scrubbing or for removing layers of old floor polish. The green scrubbing/stripping pad is intended for use in cleaning the dirtiest floors. Use on VCT, ceramic tile and other floors as specified by the flooring manufacturer. Green scrub pads are too aggressive for linoleum, luxury vinyl tile and several other flooring types so reference maintenance instructions for your floor to see if this pad is appropriate for use.
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